
What is ITOMA?

Nearly a century ago, sociologist W.Sombart noted that leisure is “any expense spent on top of necessities”. Any extra expense may not be mandatory to live the minimum standard of living, however, these are what actually delight your life. Court-life in the Baroque era was definitely full of luxury and extravagance, however W.Sombart emphasizes that the fundamentals of capitalism today were built upon the investment in production of mirrors for those courts. Philosopher G.Bohme highlights that any surplus consumption is the leisure in today’s life, but is something that is unavoidable.

This project looks into all sorts of leisure (surplus, desire, blank margin, luxury etc) that may not be mandatory for a minimum standard of living. Not the simple and frugal that directly links with productivity improvement, but a way of living that copes well with blank margin times. Methodologies the project undertakes will be on ethnography like the anthropologists do, new combinations of resources like the economist Schumpeter states, designing service through the service-dominant-logic perspective like the marketing domain does, and create ecosystems and institutions that will lead to a service design.

Medieval London was surrounded by high bricked walls, having the “holy sacred” churches and banks inside, and the remaining “profane” outside the walls and away across the river Thames. Historian Agnew mentions in his book “Worlds Apart: Markets and Theatres” that markets (the consumption activities of selling and buying) and theatres (the cultural activities of performing) were both not necessities thus allocated outside the walls. The key term of social capital coined by the political scientist Putnum (the community activities of cooperating) also does not directly link to productivity improvement but is definitely meaningful in a long term. This project deals with various fields on styles of living with a sense of leisure. 



中世のイギリスにおいてCity of Londonと呼ばれ壁で囲われていたロンドンは、教会や金融業などの聖なるものたちが内側に置かれ、その他の俗なるものは壁の外側やテムス川の向こうに追いやられてしまいました。歴史学者アグニューが『市場と劇場』にて述べたとおり、市場(売買行動)も劇場(文化活動)もどちらも生活必需品ではなく壁の外に追いやられたものです。政治学者パットナムが述べる社会関係資本(コミュニティー活動)の概念も、一見生産性には直結しないが長い目でみると意味があるものにつながっていきます。このプロジェクトでは以上のようなフィールドにて余白のある生活のあり方を検討していきます。

Who are the ITOMA Team?

Graduation Ceremony. September 20, 2024

学位授与式 2024920

Congratulating graduation. September 18, 2024

卒業お祝い会 2024年9月18

At "Place" Symposium. May 26, 2024

「場」シンポジウムにて 2024年5月26日

Graduation Ceremony. March 27, 2024

学位授与式 2024年3月27日

At Yachiyo City Gallery's Exhibition. December 10, 2023

八千代市「とっておきの作品展」にて 20231210

Congratulating graduation. September 19, 2023

卒業お祝い会 2023年9月19日

Congratulating graduation. March 24, 2023

卒業お祝い会 2023年3月24日

Congratulating graduation. September 15, 2022

卒業お祝い会 2022年9月15日

At KMD internal exhibition. June 10, 2022

学内研究成果発表会にて 2022年6月10日

Congratulating graduation. March 24, 2022

卒業お祝い会 2022年3月24日

At KMD internal exhibition. November 26, 2021

学内研究成果発表会にて 2021年11月26日

With ITOMA first batch members. October 2, 2020

閑プロジェクト一期生 2020年10月2日


Email: itoma@kmd.keio.ac.jp

Visit us physically: Keio University Hiyoshi Campus

Keio University Graduate School of Media Design