Accessing Cultural Experiences
Presented at KMD Plenary Meeting, June 2023
Accessing Cultural Experiences
Investigating creative experiences of how to approach various cultural activities for an sustainable ecosystem
Yuta Krisanda, Carol Yu Liu, Chris Clayton, Cytheria Yuming Xu, Chihiro Sato
Funded by:
King's Together Fund 2020, Keio Research Global Institute Pre-startup Fund 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023
Yuta Krisanda、Carol Yu Liu、Chris Clayton、Cytheria Yuming Xu、佐藤千尋
英国King's Together Fund 2020、KGRIプレ・スタートアップ研究補助金 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023
Kit Braybrooke, Stephanie Janes, and Chihiro Sato, 2021. "Care-full Design Sprints, Online: Addressing Gaps in Cultural Access and Inclusion during Covid-19 with Vulnerable Communities in London and Tokyo." In C&T '21: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Communities & Technologies - Wicked Problems in the Age of Tech (C&T '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 25–37.
DOI: 10.1145/3461564.3461583
Adam Jordan, Chihiro Sato, 2023. "Origin Based Education Tool to Encourage “Ethical” Consumption of Coffee" 2023年サービス学会 第11回国内大会.
Xun Huang, Zehui Chai, Yueran Wang, Chihiro Sato, 2022. "Your Secret Spot: A Cultural Box Exchange Service that Provides Surprising Experiences Related to Places." 2022年サービス学会 第10回国内大会.
佐野 まり沙, 佐藤 千尋, ⼭内 正⼈, 2021.「余韻郵便: 旅人の自分から日常に戻った未来の自分へ送る郵便サービス」2021年サービス学会 第9回国内大会.
荻野 ⾹凜, 板垣 清⼦, 佐野 まり沙, 星野 新, 佐藤 千尋, 2021.「オンライン共創デザインワークショップシリーズの設計と実装」2021年サービス学会 第9回国内大会.
Master Thesis
Adam Jordan "Brewing Strong Relationships through Coffee with the “Blooming Post”: A Service Design to Support the Growth of Sustainable Coffee Communities" September 2023
佐野 まり沙「旅先から未来の自分へ送る『余韻郵便』:旅行者のウェルビーイングを高めるサービスデザイン」2023年3月
Leqing Tao "Textual Narratives on Exhibit Labels: increasing Interaction and Recollection for Exhibition Design through Dynamic Labelling" March 2023
Zehui Chai "Your Secret Spot: A Surprising Journey Experience inside a Box" September 2022
Xun Huang "Your Secret Spot: Designing an Experience Dominant Blind Box Service for Memorable Tourism Experiences" September 2022
Yueran Wang "The Cross Cultural Communication Workshop in the Educational Setting: A Service Design Aims to Alleviate the Loneliness of International Students in Japan" September 2022
板垣 清子「文化のショーケースとしての空港: 空港におけるアート作品提供を持続的に可能にするエコシステム」2022年3月
Blooming Post:
Gifting backstories of a coffee as a postcard ticket
Gifting backstories of a coffee as a postcard ticket
Exhibition Labels:
Narrative labels for artworks at exhibitions
Narrative labels for artworks at exhibitions
Create a box that conceptualizes your favorite spot by integrating various goods related to the spot! You can also receive someone's box as well.
Available: September-November, 2021
Fee: 500JPY (You'll get a refund if you participate in the post-interviews)
Language: English, Chinese, Japanese
Every Saturday morning during the period from Sep 12 to Oct 17, 2020. Hosted Online.
開催期間:2020年9~10月の土曜午前 (9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17)
当日会場:オンライン (Zoom)
London workshops held July 3 - September 11, 2020
See more details here
Voices from attendees
"Full, rich, urgent and a very useful space to think together in response to the current context"
"A much needed and inspiring gathering and exchange at a time of isolation"
"It's been really inspiring, both in terms of content and format. Thank you for the opportunity to take part!"
"Very insightful and thought provoking for my contribution to the cultural sector moving forward"